Conference Talk, EuroBSDCon 2023, Coimbra

Posted on September 16, 2023

A Haskell Binding for OpenBSD pledge


EuroBSDCon 2023, Coimbra

  • OpenBSD Pledge
  • Haskell
  • Design
  • Code examples


Restrict kernel API

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){
  pledge ("stdio","");
  printf ("hello\n");
  pledge ("","");
  printf ("hello again\n"); // process gets terminated


Haskell Language

  • first defined in the 1990s

  • functional

    (\x -> x + x)
    (length . revert) [1,2,3]
  • lazily evaluated

    (\x -> x * x) (2 + 2)
  • pure

  • with a good type system


The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

  • de facto standard compiler, REPL and RTS
  • various backends and platforms
  • m:n multithreading
  • software transactional memory
  • garbage collector

Haskell Ecosystem

  • Hackage: central package repo
  • Hoogle: search engine
  • Cabal: package manager and build system
  • Haskell Language Server

Imperative Haskell and Side Effects

Hello World

module Main where

import System.IO (appendFile)

formGreeting :: String -> String
formGreeting n = "hello " <> n <> "!"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "what is your name?"
  name <- getLine
  appendFile "names.txt" $ name <> "\n"
  putStrLn $ formGreeting name

With Promises

module Main where

import System.IO (appendFile)

formGreeting :: String -> String
formGreeting n = "hello " <> n <> "!"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "what is your name?"          -- stdio
  name <- getLine                        -- stdio
  appendFile "names.txt" $ name <> "\n"  -- wpath, stdio
  putStrLn $ formGreeting name           -- stdio

Introducing Pledge

FFI Binding for Pledge

-- System.OpenBSD.Pledge.Internal
pledge :: Set Promise -> IO ()

-- System.OpenBSD.Pledge.Promise.Type
data Promise =
  Stdio | Rpath | Wpath | Cpath | Dpath | Tmppath | Inet | Mcast |
  Fattr | Chown | Flock | Unix | Dns | Getpw | Sendfd | Recvfd | Tape
  | Tty | Proc | Exec | Prot_exec| Settime | Ps | Vminfo | Id | Route
  | Wroute | Audio | Video | Bpf| Unveil | Error
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Ord)

c.f. pledge(2)

What to Pledge

module Main where

import System.IO (appendFile)

import System.OpenBSD.Pledge.Promise.Type
import System.OpenBSD.Pledge.Internal

formGreeting :: String -> String
formGreeting n = "hello " <> n <> "!"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  pledge _
  putStrLn "what is your name?"          -- stdio
  pledge _
  name <- getLine                        -- stdio
  pledge _
  appendFile "names.txt" $ name <> "\n"  -- wpath, stdio
  pledge _
  putStrLn $ formGreeting name           -- stdio
  pledge $ fromList []


module Main where

import System.IO (appendFile)

import System.OpenBSD.Pledge.Promise.Type
import System.OpenBSD.Pledge.Internal

formGreeting :: String -> String
formGreeting n = "hello " <> n <> "!"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  pledge $ fromList [Stdio, Wpath]
  putStrLn "what is your name?"
  pledge $ fromList [Stdio, Wpath]
  name <- getLine
  pledge $ fromList [Stdio, Wpath]
  appendFile "names.txt" $ name <> "\n"
  pledge $ fromList [Stdio]
  putStrLn $ formGreeting name
  pledge $ fromList []

Imperative but Functional

A Puzzle

  s <- getLine -- IO String
  putStrLn s -- String -> IO ()

How is this functional?

With Sugar

  s <- getLine -- IO String
  putStrLn s -- String -> IO ()

is actually

getLine >>= (\s -> putStrLn s)


getLine >>= (\s -> putStrLn s)


(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b

Make Bind Work for Us

Label Actions

with promoted types

-- System.OpenBSD.MultiPledge
newtype Pledge (zs :: [Promise]) (ps :: [Promise]) a
  = Pledge { getAction :: IO a }

requires some explanation

The Explanation

DataKinds promotes data constructors to types

Stdio :: Promise
Promise :: *
'Stdio :: Promise

[Stdio, Inet] :: [Promise]
[Promise] :: *
'[ 'Stdio, 'Inet] :: [Promise]

For example

annotate base functions

-- System.Directory
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
import qualified System.Directory           as D (getDirectoryContents)

getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> Pledge zs '[ 'Rpath] [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents = Pledge . D.getDirectoryContents

A New Bind Operator

-- System.OpenBSD.MultiPledge
(>>=) :: forall zs ps m qs a b.
      ( MonadIO m, SingI zs, SingI ps, SingI qs
   => Pledge (zs `Union` ps) qs m a
   -> (a -> Pledge zs ps m b)
   -> Pledge zs (ps `Union` qs) m b

best explained with a picture and some code



  • no multithreading
  • no exec promises
  • redundant pledge calls
  • not portable (so far)



Björn Gohla